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Hologrammatic Acupuncture

Hologrammatic acupuncture is a therapy that has been discovered and developed by Dr. Salvatore Auriemma, president of the Italian Acupuncture Society. Here is an excerpt from one of his writings.

​"Hologrammatic acupuncture does not try to be an alternative to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In some ways, though, it is more innovative because, even though it still finds its roots in the ancient basics of the energetic systems of the great Chinese thinkers of the past centuries, it builds its theories around modern scientific disciplines such as:​ The Neuro-sciences, biology and quantum physics, finding inspiration in the works of scientists like Einstein, Heisenberg, Gabor, Pribram, Bohm and many others that have been studying energy all their lives. The brain is responsible for all the discoveries, inventions and progress that humanity achieved for thousands of years, and it was able to do that while controlling and coordinating the work of billions of cells, with no rest.


Hologrammatic Acupuncture conceptualises that meridians are constructed by the mind from time to time, and are like thoughts sailing on water. As we know, there aren’t fixed routes in water and one can get to places following a different route every time, trying to chose the best one depending on the situation.This way, the created meridian becomes an important linking circuit but then it can disappear, like a ship’s trail. As for meridians, Hologrammatic acupuncture discovers the mobility of the points as well. This is tied with the strategies that the human mind utilizes to project organic dysfunctions, utilizing different paths and points, mostly onto the cranium, spine and sternum but it can be projected onto other parts as well depending on the pathology.The reason why the points are not necessarily always the same is that the energetic relationships in biology can change every hour, but also at any moment.


For example the nature of the immune system is to be very adaptable to any problems that may arise. In TCM they are able to transform themselves from one kind of energy to another (for instance from yuan to wei) depending on many factors like the functionality of the organs at a given time, amount of supplies available, entity and depth reached by the pathology, and so on.The picture is very complex and it escapes the perception of the human’s sensory system. We know and control very little of what happens automatically in our microcosm, nevertheless everything is controlled by an interior mind that regulates psyco-organic functions that makes us an entity of energy striving to survive.At the same time it links us with a higher kind of mind that makes us learn and experience our macrocosm. Despite the fact that we are all one intelligent system (see the law of entanglement ) and subject to the same rules, we still have a certain degree of freedom."

Binaural Music

Binaural music, also known as "binaural beats", is a new study that utilizes two pure sine waves, very close one to the other frequency wise, that are placed one in the left ear side of the headphones, known as the base frequency, and the other one in the right side, known as the beat. Binaural Beats (BB) are a form of brain wave entrainment (BWE).Entrainment, in physics, is when two systems, connected by a plane, which oscillate at different frequencies independently, are brought together and independently synchronize with one another, at whatever the combined system's resonant frequency is. ​​​​ ​In the case of the the BB, the two systems are the two emispheres of the brain, which normally vibrate at different frequencies, the common plane is the cranium and the means that bring them to tune together are the two separate sounds played through headphones. These two frequencies tune the brain to their differential, which is usually lower then 40Hz.​For instance, if the left frequency is 100Hz and the right one is 104Hz, the brain will be tuned at 4Hz, thus in the Theta state. The Theta state happens when the brain oscillates between 4 and 7.5 Hz. and the condition is light meditation and light sleep. Between 0.5 and 4Hz the brain goes in deep sleep and this is called the Delta state. Between 7.5 and 14Hz the brain goes to Alpha or the deep relaxation state, the perfect place for visualisations. Between 14 and 40 Hz. is the normal waking state, Beta, while above that there is a further state called Gamma, or the insight wave, which is very new and unknown yet, but it is thought to bring a high level of thought process and concentration. Every differential has a function and is used to enhence certain brain activities depending on the frequencies chosen.


"To know the mechanics of the wave is to know the entire secret of Nature." Walter Russell

The gospel of John starts this way (John 1:1): Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, ēn archē ēn ho logos, which is greek for “in the beginning was the word”. The gospel was written in greek since it was the commercial language of the time, like english is today. The greek word λόγος, logos, is very interesting and very important to understand this phrase.


So it is possible that the universe was created from a single sound or note and it is formed by this note’s subharmonics and superharmonics. Everything around us, including us, would be nothing more then wave interferences happening between these harmonics. In fact everything around us, including us, is made of vibrating atoms and cells that continuously exchange frequential information through the waves generated by these vibrations. If we give to an object a perfect counter-phased vibration, this object will disappear from our sight since it will stop vibrating, and it won’t be picked up by our sensory systems. In the late eighteenth century, Ernst Chladni, a german physicist and musician known as the father of acoustics, published an experiment that consisted in placing a thin layer of sand on a thin plane made of steel and “played” it with a violin bow.


The effect was that the sand formed various geometrical forms, known as “The Chladni figures”, that changed depending on the resonant frequency of the panel. This experiment demonstrates how these pure tones can give birth to matter, for example. In 1967, a swiss physicist called Hans Jenny took this matter further and invented the tonoscope, a machine that could show what sound looked like. "The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link. This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being produced directly. Not only could you hear a melody - you could see it."​There is a therapy called "Cymatic Therapy" that uses these theories to treat pathologies with the aid of a machine that sends pure frequencies into the body to "re-tune" the damaged tissues.



W.H.I.T.E therapy uses lasers, tuned with different frequencies, to change the rhythm and the memory of water. Here is an extract from an article that can be read in full here.


​"​The HeavyLight (HL) system in therapy involves the creation of an isotherapeutic remedy which uses information in the form of electromagnetic signals from the subjects. It works to restore the body to its healthy state of dynamic equilibrium. The current state of imbalance is used as the starting point, and the remedy moves the body towards its natural homeostatic condition.It is not possible to consider the health of human beings while ignoring the environment in which they live - the physical, cultural, social and psychological aspects of the environment all impact on health.


​We pay due consideration to this by collecting information from the cells of the body (saliva, blood, urine etc.), and by collecting environmental information from the context in which they live.In particular, the remedy containing the environmental information will focus on its therapeutic action on problems inherent in that specific field. It is possible to treat conflicts, both in the conscious and subconscious area of the subject's personality, caused by people or things at home, school or work.


The environment can also be treated directly, increasing the vitality and cleanliness of the energy.​The best relationship between humans and their environment takes place when there is a continuous flux of clear information and mutual adaptation. To reach this target the subject must freely access the environmental information and be able to freely respond. This information should not be filtered or deviated by behavioural conditioning, prejudices, subconscious reactions or stereotypical behaviour, as this leads to defensive reactions and internal conflicts, eventually resulting in emotional and somatic suffering.​


WHITE® Holographic Bioresonance technology used in HL products can connect the body and mind with the environment, in a "clean" way, or "unconditioned" way. The body, now capable of facing itself with what surrounds it and what stands in constant interaction and interdependence with it will use the received information, this time in the best possible way. Instead of registering frictions and negativities coming from circumstances, people and other external objects, the body will integrate the environmental information into its system as if it were part of it, thus naturally modifying its structure and response".

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